
Kirtan Camp with Mirabai Moon

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A Place Called OM, 2022 Western Ave. suite #1, Albany, NY

If you have ever wanted to learn to play harmonium, lead a Kirtan Chant, or just sink more deeply into your devotional yoga practice, then drop in for this sweet exploration of harmonium and chant with Mirabai Moon.

In this workshop you will learn the basic mechanics of how to work a harmonium, an acoustic organ that is frequently used to play kirtan music. Harmoniums make a beautiful drone sound, like an OM, created by bellows that push air through reeds when you pump them, kind of like an accordion. It's an AUM-azing meditation tool!

You will learn several very simple beginner friendly kirtan chants, so you can get started chanting while playing the harmonium right away with confidence and ease. And you will be given chant sheets to bring home with you, so you can continue to practice your newly acquired skills at home.

It is very helpful if you bring your own harmonium. If you don't have one, please contact Mirabai Moon at info@mysticalkirtan.com so she can help you make arrangements.